Contacts and Resources
Useful Contacts
Scoutmaster cell phone, in case of emergencies: 703-405-6615
Contact the BSA Council Office for general information:
National Capitol Area Council, BSA
Marriott Scout Service Center
9190 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20814-3897
Phone: 301-530-9360
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Contact the Scout Shop
National Capital Scout Shop, 9190 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814
301-564-1091 – M, Tu, W, F: 9am-6:00pm – Th: 9am-8pm – Sat: 10am-3pm
Northern Virginia Scout Shop, 5232 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, VA 22151
703-321-4836 – M, Tu, W, F:: 9am-7pm – Th: 9am-8pm – Sat: 10am-5pm
Camp Snyder Trading Post & Scout Shop, 6100 Antioch Rd., Haymarket, VA 20169
571-248-4904 – Tu – F 10:00am – 3:00pm – Sat: 10am-2pm – Closed Sun & Mon.
Contact people to report instances of child abuse
Take immediate action to stop any action that may be harming a child. Then immediately call and report the incident to law enforcement at 911
Next Contact the Scout Executive at National Capitol Area Council at: 248-530-9360
Next Contact the Rector at All Souls Episcopal Church at: (202) 232-4244
Scouts BSA Resources
National Capitol Area BSA Council, Bethesda, MD: https://www.ncacbsa.org/
Nearby Scout Shop Locations and Hours: https://www.ncacbsa.org/about-ncac/scout-store/
On-Line National Scout Shop (uniforms, gifts, camping equipment): https://www.scoutshop.org/
Places We Plan to Visit:
Goshen Scout Reservation, BSA, Goshen, VA: https://www.gotogoshen.org/
Camp Snyder, Haymarket, BSA, VA: https://www.ncacbsa.org/outdoors/camp-william-b-snyder/
Owasippe Scout Reservation, BSA, Twin Lake, MI: https://www.owasippeadventure.com/
Summit National Scout Reserve, BSA, Beckley, WV: http://www.summitbsa.org/
International Scout Jamboree: https://www.2019wsj.org/